Da Lat City travel guide

Da Lat (or Da lat) is the capital of the Lam Dong Province in Viet nam. It is located in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, and with its elevation of 4,900 ft (1,500 m) its weather is significantly cooler than most other parts of tropical Vietnam. It is a popular tourist destination, particularly even with the Vietnamese. A friend once told me that Da Lat is “a city of love,” and with its mist covered mountains, French colonial architecture, and plethora of cozy cafes, it is not difficult to understand why. Moreover, with such God-Blessed weather, Da Lat is proud to be named “the City of thousand flowers”. Come to Da Lat, you will not only witness the colourful vibrant of all kinds of flowers, but you also have a good time for relaxing.

What to See

At the center of Da Lat is the beautiful Xuan Huong Lake. Walking along the lake gives you stunning views of Da Lat and its surrounding areas. There are a few restaurants along the lake if you want a relaxing place to sit and enjoy a meal. For the more active, swam-shaped boats can be rented and taken out on Xuan Huong Lake.

While roaming around Da Lat’s City Centre, you are unlikely to miss the high-rising Da Lat Cathedral. It is known locally as “Cock Church” in honor of the man-made rooster standing at the very tip of the church on the beautiful bell tower. The priest and staff are very friendly and welcoming. There are numerous Mass services held here throughout the week, and we attended one of the 5:00 PM services while in Da Lat. The inside of the church is beautiful, and although the services are all held in Vietnamese, it is a beautiful and interesting event to experience.

If you are interested in architecture or are a fan of Walt Disney, check out Hang Nga Guesthouse, popularly known among locals and tourists as the “Crazy House”. Vietnamese Architect Dang Viet Nga is the creator of this beautiful piece of art. Many people compare the design of this building to artists such as Walt Disney and Salvador Dali. This magical building incorporates things such as caves, giant spider webs, stairs leading to the sky, bridges, mushrooms, giant animal sculptures, and trees in its beautiful and incredibly complex design. For 35,000 VND, you can explore the Crazy House, and if you are willing to pay the price you can even stay a night or two in one of the spectacular rooms scattered around the building. This is a fun and unique place and, at minimum, will produce many humorous pictures!

Da Lat is not only famous for its French Structures but it is also famous for its valleys and Waterfalls. For those who are in-love, the Valley of Love is definitively a place to go. Just as true love has to surpass several obstacles, the Valley of Love in Da Lat had to surpass many challenges in the past in order to gain its rightful name today. In the beginning, the valley was called Vallée D’amour (Valley of Love) by the French before being renamed The Valley of Piece. In 1935, its beauty and captivation persuaded people to once again name it after the most wonderful thing in the world: Love. Thanks to being the honeymoon destination of newly-married couples, this valley is even regarded as Niagara Fall of Vietnam.

The Valley of Love today is located 4 miles away from the center of Da Lat, the little Paris, on Phu Dong Thien Vuong St. Throughout history, it has been one of the most picturesque and romantic sites of the city, with many deep valleys and endless pine forests. The tranquil Da Thien Lake, which was created in 1972, also adds a great deal to the attractiveness of the valley in general. To truly appreciate the sceneries is not hard because travelers can easily follow the natural tracks and staircases all around the valley to visit and admire the gorgeous flower gates and statues.

The tracks lead to Vong Canh Hill from which The Valley of Love’s magnificent view gradually appears in each traveler’s eyes. From that hill, they can also see the Langbian Peaks standing out vividly against the blue sky, or continue their adventure to find the Paradise Hill, another ideal destination which is surrounded by beautiful lakes. Overall, the valley is another wonderful addition to your trip to the romantic Da Lat.

If the Valley of Love is not your style, you can spend times to visit some famous Waterfalls just outside Da Lat such as Prenn Waterfall and Datanla Waterfall.

Prenn Waterfall is located at the foot of Prenn Pass which is 10 km far from Da Lat City. Prenn Waterfall is the gateway of Da Lat. In the old time, there was a village of prenn up the stream, so the waterfall bears the name Prenn.

It has the height of 9m, and the width of 20m and it lies on the stream of Prenn. From its height, the water flows down over a cliff of basalt rock creating a white curtain of water like the hair of a fairy. At present, the tourist site has an area of 160 ha, of which the pine forest and primitive trees make up 90% of the area. The site has been restored and equipped with the cable-car, suspension bridge, stilt-houses, huts on trees, showroom of silk paintings, souvenir shops and the services like folklore music performance, rowing-boat, folklore games, etc and a restaurant serving food as the desires of tourists, especially the snake-head fish soup. You can have a chance to experience the fun of riding an elephant.

Da Lat’s Datanla Waterfall is just 5 km away from the city center (on the way to Prenn Waterfall). The imposing waterfall is pretty deep; it takes about 10 to 15 minutes to walk from the top to the bottom. According to a legend, the waterfall had a deep cave hidden in the forest so it was one of the shelters of a troop of local inhabitants in the war with the Chams; thanks to this waterfall the troop can reside a pressure on their force. Therefore, the minorities call it Datanla meaning the water under the leaves, the eater under the stone.

Where to Eat

There is no shortage of places to dine in Da Lat. Many cute French style restaurants line the streets, most complete with free pots of tea and soothing European music playing in the background. There are numerous bakeries scattered around Da Lat, and most pastries they sell are surprisingly good. Tourists can develop an addiction to the miniature loaves of banana bread sold at several bakeries around town (for remarkably cheap prices!). One budget restaurant that we particularly loved, is Peace Cafe. Peace Cafe, not to be confused with the nearby Peace Restaurant, is located at 64 Truong Cong Dinh and occupies the bottom floor of a family run hotel. There is a book exchange here, and the menu is full of both Vietnamese and Western dishes for cheap prices.
Read more thing to do in dalat
There are also several unique foods produced and sold in Da Lat. It’s a fun thing to try and could be a unique thing to bring home to family or friends. Another popular thing produced in Da Lat is fruit preserves. Some of the most popular types include strawberry preserves and raspberry preserves. They look delicious and can be incorporated into many different recipes if you have room in your bag and aren’t traveling for much longer!

These are just a few of the highlights of Da Lat and the many possibilities it offers its visitors. The overall feel of the city is very laid back and quaint. With its chilly weather and French architecture, it gives off a very strong European vibe. At one point, I glanced down one of the streets and suddenly felt as if I was looking down a strikingly similar road I had once see in Hollywood movies. Spending just a few days in Da Lat made me feel incredibly relaxed. Needless to say, if you’d like to see some of the beautiful mountains in Vietnam and get a little break from the hectic and bustling lifestyle of Ho Chi Minh City, Da Lat may be the perfect option for you!
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